Wednesday, July 18, 2012


July 4, 2012 Today is Independence Day and the beginning of my new life in Bangkok, Thailand!

To be honest, it is a little overwhelming - figuring out where to shop, how to shop, and how much I can carry home. My blog is called "Everything is Harder in Asia" because I have found myself saying this over and over, especially when I am frustrated with something.

I am very amazed and proud of Steven - he has lived here and thrived all by himself in a foreign country! True, a lot of people do speak at least a little English - but still - if he can do it alone, then I can surely survive (and thrive) with him!!

One of the first things I did this morning was to rearrange the livingroom furniture - surprise surprise! Those of you who know me well will not be surprised about that!! It now feels more homey to me.

I hope that you enjoy this blog, I will try not to complain too much, and I hope to have many funny things to tell you about trying to live in a foreign country. I hope to teach you a new Thai word every time I write and it will have to do with something I am writing about.


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