Friday, July 20, 2012

Mai Poo-en (New Friends)

Friday, July 20th

I have begun making friends. The first woman I met was Renee (from New Orleans). She lives in my building. She is a member of The American Women's Club. She told me all about the meetings, volunteer opportunities, and socializing. She invited me to a cooking class at an Italian restaurant. So Haley and I went. I met many women there. A lot of them have lived outside the US before.

I asked the women if they had maids. All but 1 said yes - at least a couple times a week to do laundry, dust, and clean bathrooms. It doesn't cost much ~ about 150 Baht an hour ($5.00) ~ but I still don't want to have a stranger in my house doing my laundry!

They talked about keeping busy by playing tennis, volunteering, going to yoga or Pilates. I feel like I've gone down the rabbit hole and ended up in a life of luxury ~ strange, strange.

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